Masters is a mobile-responsive web application offering video insights from masters in their respective fields. This specialized platform delivers expert guidance and personalized recommendations on highly specific and niche topics.

Design Roles

UX Design

UX Research


User Surveys

User Journey & Flows

Competitive Analysis

User Stories / Personas


Design System

User Testing

High Fidelity Prototype



Usability Hub


Survey Monkey


Problem Statement

Users of the Masters app struggle with accessing reliable, expert advice for their specific challenges. This leads to ineffective solutions and wasted time in searching for answers. Success will be measured by the ability of users to log into the Masters web app and receive accurate video responses from qualified professionals."

Smartphone Device Illustration
Smartphone Device Illustration
Smartphone Device Illustration

Research Goals

“Develop a better understanding of what potential users would need to qualify as an expert.”

“Identify engaging features used by current competitors”

“Gain insights into topics users would like to learn by using the Masters application.”


In order to accomplish these goals we used a combination of semi-structured interviews, a multiple choice survey, competitor analysis and some in- field studies.


User surveys


Survey questions


User Interviews

How long do you think it takes someone

to become a "master" of their craft?

Which of the following topics would you seek expert advice for?


  • Most users did not find real-time feedback (phone, skype) as important, though I think there is good potential for monetization here.
  • Most users do not use an app to get advice from experts, if given the option they are willing to try.
  • Most users found experience to be the most important qualification for an expert.
  • Most users thought a simple application is most important feature.
  • When asked about privacy and security, it seems that it is a giant concern.

ANY Questions Profile

Competitior Profile:

Any Question's tagline is, "ask a question, get a video answer." I find this accurate. Additionally they state, "Find the insight, perspective, and answers you're looking for from those who have mastered their craft." I also find this to be an accurate description.

Key Objectives:

The key objective for Any Question is likely to have the top masters of various crafts give video responses to real questions. Their focus seems to be focused on health and sports, though they go into art, scholars, health care professionals, and more.

Overall Stategy:

A quick google search of "AnyQuestion" reveals almost no press or advertising and it is seemingly little to know ads. Their unique library of answers to past questions is addictive knowledge . Given that this is their first year of business its hard to say which direction they are heading.

Marketing Profile


Bright Star Icon

Google Playstore


Bright Star Icon

Apple App Store


Bright Star Icon

Google Reviews


Bright Star Icon

Mobile App Daily

Marketing Profile:

Any Question is a historic milestone in the evolution of online Q&A platforms. Since its launch, it has been building a library of video answers from ultra high performers. Their platform leverages real knowledge that is taking on the problem of quality information. . With its user-friendly interface and unparalleled quality from the very tops of their field.

Marketing Position:

The market for online expert advice platforms is growing, as more people seek quick and accessible information and guidance. The market size for Any Question is likely to be substantial, as they continue to build a vast library of videos. Its important to note that they are yet to monetize and are still in the very early stages of development.

  • Founded in 2021, Funded in April 2022
  • No advertising but very high ratings in Google Playstore and Apple App Store
  • Less then a year old and well positioned to grow.




Convenient and accessible platform: Any Question seems to offer the highest quality of experts and unique video responses.


Partnership with other companies: The platform could form partnerships with other companies to increase its reach and impact as well as continued development of the video library of high quality.




Any Question may not have the same level of brand recognition as other larger and more established competitors in the market. In addition the mobile application is laid out as a social networking site that strays from the key objectives.


Any Questions faces competition from companies with more resources and brand recognition. Their may be a lack of focus on the companies vision, given that the mobile platform presents like a social networking site, while the web app is more of a resource site.

Competitor Analysis


Any Question is available for both iOS and Android as well as a web-based app. My profile on my native mobile app and my web-app sync instantly so any content I opened and started in the app appears in my web-app and vice-versa. However, I have different content instantly available on my homepage on my mobile app versus my web-app. I do think however there is some lack of quality feel on the app.

Any Question is a very different mobile app and web-app. They seemingly are providing the best expert content by making the responses in video as well as building a vast library of quality content. This social approach to the mobile app is also much different and leaves the user possible overwhelmed with information.


Having video answers to questions is a giant seperation from other platforms as well the use

of Olympic level experts.


Any Question has multiple CTA's across their app including from on boarding signup to suggestive follows . If appears they are not yet into monetization and it is completely free. The web app on the other hand is a much cleaner experience with no CTA's.


The Any Question interface is very simple and well-organized. You have a expandable menu on the left for Topics with content and well organized gallery of video answers

in the center .

When initially signing up, I was given the option to sign on with google. The web app gives you a easy to use QR code to download the app which is encouraged throughout the site.


The home page is essentially the whole site, allowing you to explore topics as soon

as you open. From the top left you can also browse their database with a more refined

topic list. In the top center the search bar gives you a third way to navigate the site.


The app layout is much more complex then the web app. Once signed in using google they asked topics of interest and the ability to

FOLLOW experts tailored to my response. Once entering the home page its formatted more like a social website. They use

horizontal navagation across the bottom.

User Stories

1.New User Value Proposition

    • "As a prospective user, I want to understand the value of the Masters web app before committing to log in, so I can make an informed decision about using it."

2.Ease of Use for Occasional Users

    • "As an occasional user, I want the app to be intuitive and easy to use, so I can start learning without facing any hurdles."

3.Efficient Navigation for Occasional Users

    • "As an occasional user, I want to navigate the app effortlessly and find what I need quickly, to ensure a smooth and efficient experience."


The insights I gained from surveys and interviews leading up to the persona. The main goal is to display those patterns and pain points, which allowed me to further empathize with users.


Chicago, USA


Michael just bought a new house and he already has a leaking sink, and he can't find a plumber to come out and repair his sink for 2



He wants to fix the sink himself.










16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Finds his sink broken
  • Turns off the water
  • Calls a plumber
  • sees where the sink is


  • Plumber calls back and busy

for the next two weeks

16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • researches cost
  • finds a well qualified plumber

on Masters

  • signs up for a free account
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Goes to the store
  • refers back to the advice
  • fixes his sink
16:9 Frame with Shadow
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Finds our Web Application

through a google search

  • Finds a plumbers profile

Where can

I find some

expert advice?

I can't wait 2 weeks for a plumber!

I did it!

Why did I even

buy this house?

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Dots Abstract Shapes Icon
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Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
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Purple Dotted Circles


make a lot

of money!

Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles

Maybe I could fix this myself.

I hope

Im not waisting my time!

16:9 Frame with Shadow

Solving the problem

16:9 Frame with Shadow

Possibe time function to see how long a response will take.

16:9 Frame with Shadow

Other sucess stories and or reviews.

16:9 Frame with Shadow
16:9 Frame with Shadow

Validation through profile and reviews


Miami, Florida


Sarah is busy a mom and is looking for high quality advice to help her get on the right track to losing weight. She hears about the Masters web application through a social media post.


Lose weight, feel better about herself.










16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Sarah finds an expert profile

that she trusts and asks for help

16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Sarah wants lose weight and feels overwhelmed by endless weight loss programs.
  • Sarah has little time to come up with a program that works

16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Sarah continues to communicate with our experts for ongoing advice and support.
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Sarah hears about Masters from a social media post
  • Sarah reads articles, expert profiles, and other content on our app

16:9 Frame with Shadow
  • Sarah creates an account on our website to access the app's content and service
  • Sarah goes through a tutorial that explains the app's features

Purple Dotted Circles

How much is this gonna cost me?

Purple Dotted Circles
Dots Abstract Shapes Icon
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
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Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles

Where do I start?

Dots Abstract Shapes Icon
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles

It's working Im losing weight!

Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles

Where do people who have lost weight go ?

Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles

I hope this works for me!

Purple Dotted Circles
Dots Abstract Shapes Icon
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Dots Abstract Shapes Icon

Is the information credible?

Purple Dotted Circles
Dots Abstract Shapes Icon
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
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Purple Dotted Circles
Purple Dotted Circles
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Purple Dotted Circles
Dots Abstract Shapes Icon
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  1. sympathizing with the user
  2. In depth profiles
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  1. Adding articles approved by experts to profile.

(In-house peer review)

16:9 Frame with Shadow
  1. easy sign-in and free browsing
  2. charging for personal contact with expert
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  1. IA for profile key word searches will decide the apps sucess
16:9 Frame with Shadow
  1. Possible share feature. continued conversation

and or private vs public database depending on topic




Keyword search for expertsKeyword search for expertsKeyword search for expertsKeyword search for experts

"Talk to an Expert"


Target Flat Icon
  • The goal is to observe and measure how quickly users understand the app, its value, and how they perform basic functions such as logging in, searching, and completing various tasks.

Checklist Clipboard Flat    Style Icon
  • Determine if participants quickly understand the purpose of the app (i.e., for finding expert advice and inspiration) and the value it provides.
  • Observe how users navigate the homepage and successfully find the desired advice.
  • Make final logo decisions.
Agile gradient icon
  • Moderated In Person Usability / Survey Monkey A/B Preference




Errors -

Record and prioritize most critical errors based on your error classification.

No onboarding buttons

Back buntton not working on profiles

"Book" button unresponsive

"Ask Anything" button unresponsive in some profiles No back button on "Book a Call"

"Ask Anything" is confusing (payment)


4 3 4 4 3 2

1 1



1 1 1

1 1

1 0 1 1 1 1


- - 1 1


- -



5 3 4 4 3 5


*Red Text is a guide. Delete and replace with the errors, observations, and

quotes from your usability tests.


Fix (confirmed)


Fix (confirmed)


Brainstorm with TEAM




Observations - What are people Doing, Thinking, and Feeling? Use active verbs.

Wants to see star ratings for each profile, confussed. Feeling frustrated can't find catagorey button

Confussed on where to create a account

Onboarding requires to many clicks, kind of confussing Unclear how to search by catagory

Seems little lost with keyword search bar not working Wants to leave a review for expert but can't figure out how Navigation seems very confussing to them.

Confussed about where to type on review

1 1

1 1 1

1 1


1 1

1 1


1 1 1





2 3 3 1 4 3 2 1 1

Add Star rating

Add text to hamburger menu



Add text to Hamburger menu

Research how to add keyword search in prototype or establish protocol Add star rating to Expert Profile

Brainstorm with TEAM

Brainstorm with TEAM

Negative Quotes - Record them here.

"Exspected Logo to take her to the home screen."

"Feels like there needs to be more experts"

"Wants to see color on the home screen."

"Where is the home screen?"

"Should there be navgation at the bottom of the screen?" "Hamburger menu seems like it should be for something else."

"I really like the clean professiona; design."


1 1

1 1


1 1



1 4 1 1 1 1

Noted for Redesign

Review with team for protocol Review with team

Review with team

Review with team

Review with team






1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

11 1 11 1



User testing revealed that the project should be guided by principles of objectivity and simplicity from the beginning.

Publicly sharing early prototypes generated a feedback loop that emphasized the necessity of accessibility. This prompted numerous iteration cycles, including the expansion of the CTA buttons horizontally and the addition of a secondary accent color.

The challenge was to establish a clear hierarchy without sacrificing essential information, all while considering typography's role in enhancing readability and conveying the brand's personality in UX design.


Delivered Parcel Icon


To meet the needs of our users effectively our team of experts comprises of highly skilled professionals. These individuals should not only have extensive experience in their respective fields but also demonstrate high level mentorship and communication abilities.

At Master's, we are determined to create the most reliable video chat and messaging features. Dependable communication channels are vital for establishing a smooth and effective interaction between our users and experts. Our aim is to provide a communication protocol that is familiar and intuitive to both parties. By prioritizing the reliability of our comunication tools, we enable our users to engage in meaningful and productive conversations with our experts without thinking.



At Master's, our primary objective is to facilitate problem-solving, which can be frustrating and confusing at times. With this in mind, we have thoughtfully selected a color palette for our app that prominently features shades of green. The color green holds significant influence in emotional design, particularly when it comes to establishing trust. (#A9DE7F, #E3EFD9)

Associated with nature, symbolizing growth, renewal, and balance. This natural connection evokes sensations of harmony and stability triggering positive emotions and promoting a sense of well-being. This association further reinforces trust and reliability in users. Altogether, the inherent connections of the color green to nature, harmony, and safety make it an ideal choice for emotional design, effectively fostering trust and confidence in our users.

Additionally, light gray (#DADADA) conveys a sense of modern professionalism and sophistication making it a suitable option for a wide range of applications and appealing to a broad user base. Its neutral and understated quality allows it to seamlessly blend with other colors and elements, creating a harmonious visual experience.

Person in yoga icon


The term "master" might sometimes evoke an impression of someone who could appear condescending or overly authoritative. Instead of designing an app that simply instructs the user on what actions to take, the purpose of Master is to empower users to solve their problems, with the aid of an expert.

The persona of the Master should resonate as supportive as a cheerleader, and as friendly as a neighbor. Master’s is deliberately designed with an approachable demeanor, with the aim to meet all users at their level, and in their context.


Color palette

Green represents sustainability and environmental consciousness, making it a powerful symbol for brands seeking to establish credibility and foster a connection with their audience. It evokes feelings of balance, freshness, and reliability, which instills a sense of trust and stability.






Gradient Blur Hot Pink Oval Illustration
Message Glyph Icon

New Messages


Fogs on Green Mountain



You have a new message

from Masters.

Drop Shadow


Adhering to Material Design 3 guidelines, we will ensure that our design choices align with the recommended conventions. With the exception of social network logos, icons will be presented in black to maintain consistency and visual coherence throughout the interface.

This approach ensures clarity and simplicity while promoting a seamless user experience. By following these guidelines, we aim to create a cohesive and user-friendly design that adheres to industry best practices.

Tone of voice

When it comes to the language used throughout Masters platforms, clarity and ease of understanding are paramount. We aim to ensure that the platform is accessible and usable for a diverse range of users, including those who may not be familiar with technology.

Therefore, it is important to adopt a welcoming and relatable tone of voice. Our goal is to make it effortless for users to navigate Masters, comprehend information, and access all the resources they require.

We recommend avoiding the use of slang, humor, and overly informal language.


Colors We will strive to achieve adequate contrast between text and background colors to ensure readability for all users.

To accommodate different cognitive capabilities, we will use clear and easily understandable language throughout the platform.

We aim for a high readability score to enhance comprehension and user experience.


In line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, our design decisions will be consistently reviewed and adjusted to ensure alignment and compliance with accessibility standards.








User testing revealed that maintaining objectivity and simplicity is paramount and should be at the forefront of the project from inception. These principles ensure clarity and ease of use. Additionally, providing a functional prototype that closely resembles the final app is vital. It allows users to engage with a realistic representation of the product, thereby offering an authentic experience. This authentic interaction leads to more reliable feedback, enabling developers to make informed decisions that enhance the app's usability and overall user experience, aligning closely with the real needs and expectations of the end-users.

The Hi-Fi prototype underwent several refinements and enhancements to provide the most engaging, intuitive, and authentic user experience possible.

Looking Forward

For Masters, I hypothesize that offering a subscription with corresponding benefits will provide more options to users, enhancing engagement and adherence to the app and fostering a community of knowledge with limitless questions and answers.

I plan to validate this hypothesis through surveys and interviews. By identifying and understanding users' behavior, needs, frustrations, and gathering feedback from the Masters App, I'll tailor the design based on the data collected.

In future iterations, I will reconsider the color scheme, believing that a more vibrant palette could add life and allure to the interface. I also aim to develop a more intuitive "browse by topic" function, perhaps focusing on specific niches to inform future marketing strategies.

The strategy is to effectuate essential improvements using qualitative feedback from reliable interview and survey responses. This targeted approach will reduce the need for later tweaks, aligning the development closely with users' genuine needs and desires.
