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Sister Cities Website Redesign Project

Problem Statement

Sister Cities approached us with an urgent request to redesign their website, The primary objectives were to address accessibility issues and enhance the platform to boost donations before impending budget cuts.

Initial Assessment and Tests

After conducting an exploratory analysis and accessibility tests, we identified the following key areas for improvement:

  • Low contrast issues
  • Use of multiple fonts
  • Inconsistent use of Call-to-Action (CTA) colors
  • Overuse of animations

Early Deliverables

  1. Style Guide: An initial style guide was developed to address the identified issues. The guide provided solutions for improving contrast, standardizing fonts, and establishing a consistent CTA color scheme.
  2. Navigation Bar and Logo: The navigation bar was restructured, and a new high-resolution logo was created.
  3. Animations: All non-essential animations were removed to enhance user accessibility.

Prototype and Stakeholder Feedback

An early mock-up of the redesigned homepage, incorporating all the changes, was presented to all stakeholders for review and approval


Future Plans

  • Usability Testing: Multiple rounds of in-person usability tests are planned for future iterations of the website. These tests will be conducted to ensure that all identified issues have been adequately resolved before the final version is sent to development.

